
The Statistics section shows a global summary of your eCommerce and how Size Adviser is performing.

To view the report, please select Size Adviser > Statistics from the main menu on the left, or from the** Overview** page, by clicking on **Size Adviser Report ** metrics section.

First, you can review the subscribed Size Adviser add-ons, from the ones available:

Statistics 1 Add-ons available for Size Adviser:

  • Quick Size: Show users their exact size for a specific product immediately when viewing a product page. Improve sales conversion rate and reduce returns.
  • Size Chart: Display a complete and updated size chart for each brand when Size Adviser is not available in a product or brand, benefiting from a more advanced system than traditional static size guides, including Unit system conversion, multilingual texts, nice UX for desktop and mobile and category navigation.
  • Size Alert: Display the recommended size or an alert to use Size Adviser on your checkout page. Try not to let your potential customers get the wrong size at the last step before purchase.

In the next section, review an integration status summary for Size Adviser, including service display, conversion and returns. Click on View report to access a complete report.

Statistics 2

The next section shows a summary of analytics and KPIs for your eCommerce and Size Adviser.

It is important to remember that any data, KPI or metric is based on sessions to product pages only . Thus, we do not consider or track sessions to home pages, category listings, searches, etc. in the results displayed in this dashboard.

Statistics 3

Statistics 4

Please find below a list of available metrics in the Statistics section:

  • Total sessions and Size Adviser sessions with their timeline distribution
  • Total visitors and Size Adviser visitors with their timeline distribution
  • Sessions and visitors distributed by country
  • Volume of sessions and visits and their country distribution
  • CTR - Click-Through rate: Percentage of product page visitors who clicked on Usizy Size Adviser.
  • Recommendation rate: Percentage of Usizy Size Adviser clickers who completed the process and received a size recommendation.
  • Conversion Rate for product pages displaying a link to Size Adviser.
  • Global CVR: Number of buyers divided by the total number of visitors from product pages only.
  • Usizy Buyer CVR: Number of buyers who received a size recommendation from Size Adviser divided by the total number of visitors who received a recommendation
  • Direct Buyer CVR: Number of buyers who did not receive a size recommendation before purchasing divided by the total number of visitors on product pages for the selected period.
  • Volume of orders
  • Total sales
  • Usizy’s funnel, Direct buyer’s funnel and Global funnel

Statistics 5

  • Average ticket per buyer or order for Usizy buyer, direct buyer and global
  • Average number of orders per buyer or order for Usizy buyer, direct buyer and global
  • Global return rate and Return rate due to size error
  • Volume of returns (globally and due to size)
  • Volume of total brands and covered brands
  • Volume of total, covered, and pending products