Additional variables for Size Adviser

Usizy provides a fully customizable integration solution to your e-commerce. The following attributes let you customize the look and feel of Size Adviser on your pages.

Usizy strongly recommends that you include the following variables in order to receive the best possible service.


Product price before taxes

URL to current size guide. If you have a specific size guide per product, product type or a generic one, you may include the relevant link accordingly for each product. Usizy will use this link to display your size guide conditionally instead of Size Adviser, for any product that cannot receive service.

Addtional variables


Defines whether to display a button or a simple link. Values “button” or “link”.


Defines the button width in pixels.


Defines the language to display for text fields in Size Adviser according to ISO 639-1 (“en”, “es”, “fr”, “de”).

This variable may be included if you wish to control which language should be used, according to your own pages language settings.


Defines the current Ecommerce website country according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. (“US”, “GB”, “FR”, “DE”, “ES”, …).

This variable will be used to try and determine the product correct size system if and when the data-sizesystem variable is not included.


Determines the default measurement system within Size Adviser. The available options are “metric” for international system units (cm) or “imperial” for imperial units (ft, in).


Determines the default weight measurement system within Size Adviser. The available options are “metric” for international system units (kg) or “imperial” for imperial units (lb).

If data-weightsystem is not included, this variable will impact both length and weight.


Defines which text to display for the button or link. Usizy will use its default texts, translated in more than 20 languages (What is my size?…).


Confirms which size system to use for the product being viewed (“INT”, “US”, “UK”, “EU” etc.).


Product price including taxes.


Image URL to display in Size Adviser for each product. You may either send the image link in your product feed, or include it directly in your product page script.