Feed additional variables
Although not obligatory, it is strongly recommended to include as many of the following attributes in order to obtain a more robust feed and receive the best possible service from Usizy:
Price of the item excluding taxes. It should be the base price on the product page, before any discount or promotion.
The currency used for the price sent in the feed.
Current stock status of your product. It is recommended to include a numeric value for stock (0, 1, 2…) instead of the binary option (“in stock”, “out of stock”)
Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs) of your products. These identifiers include UPC (in North America), EAN (in Europe), and JAN (in Japan) and are used to associate products with pre-existing data more easily.
Like the google_product_category, this attribute also indicates the category of the product shared in the feed, but you can provide your own classification. Unlike the ‘Google product category’, you can include more than one ‘product type’ attribute value if products apply to more than one category. Please include the full category string.
Include the URL of your products size guide. You may send a generic size guide for a whole brand, or per product type, or one for each product, depending on what you have available in your system.
With this information, Usizy can display your size guide when it is not possible to show Size Adviser. This information is also essential to run AB testing to compare the results from Size Adviser vs. your static size guide.
A text describing your item. Includes only information relevant to the item. This information may be used to identify keywords to categorize your products, as a secondary solution.
Last updated date for the product information.
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